Sign Language
Signs NowWhen signs are everywhere, it’s hard to know where to look. Percepto gives Signs Now a little direction.
Commercial campaign // Branding
THE TASK: To give Signs Now, a legacy brand, a fresh look and showcase their wide product line and expertise in the industry.
THE APPROACH: Uncover the most common scenarios their customers encounter when in need of their servicees and guide them through the interaction, thus educating their client base on their product line and providing them with ideas to build off off.
SIgn Language
Customers may not know what they want or what to even ask for. Signs Now has the answer to that situation.

Every business has sign needs. A school has a lot of those needs. Constantly. Having a partner that can fill in the gaps on the “reg” is pretty crucial.
The Sum
A little of this and a lot of that!
A company is just the sum of its parts.